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About Library

HomeAbout Library


Our vision for the college library is to create a dynamic and engaging space that serves as the intellectual heart of the campus community. We aim to provide students, faculty, and staff with access to the latest resources, tools, and technologies to support their research, learning, and personal development. We strive to foster a culture of curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning, and to be a vital partner in the pursuit of academic excellence.


Our mission is to empower members of the college community to explore, discover, and create knowledge through access to high-quality information resources, expert assistance, and innovative services. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual growth and discovery, and that supports the academic and personal goals of our users. Our library staff is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service, collaborating with faculty and other campus partners, and adapting to the evolving needs of our community to ensure that our library remains a valuable and indispensable resource.

About College Library

A library is a collection of resources that are organized and made available for people to use. These resources can include books, journals, magazines, newspapers, multimedia materials, and digital content such as e-books, online databases, and electronic journals. Libraries also provide services such as reference and research assistance, technology support, and programming for users of all ages.
Libraries serve a variety of purposes, including education, research, personal enrichment, and community building. They are important centers of learning and knowledge, providing access to information and resources that can help people achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals. Libraries also play a crucial role in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage, by collecting and preserving important historical documents, artifacts, and other materials.
The library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
The college library is having a separate building in the campus. The institution has already an automate using integrated library management system. The books or journals, if anyone wants to refer to that each students and staff members then a college ID card is mandatory. We do have a separate departmental library well with more than 7000 books. The College Library is fully automated {Integrated Library Management Sys (ILMS)} by SOUL software(version 2.0). We have a brain script system for blind students
The college library has a suitable infrastructure to read and to it is said that library is the best instrument to divert the youth on the path of development, and to at this, the college makes optimum efforts. We strive to make the college a center of excellence with the maximum use of the library because the more you read; the more you understand the world.
Creativity can only have an impact if it is natural and inspired. During the college period, the college magazine ‘Samvak’ has been trying to bring out whatever creative power is there by shaping the mental world of the students since 2005. Apart from this, ‘Samvak’ also works with the purpose of getting a picture of the activities done during the year in the college.